
Tom’s approach is for everyone, even people who thought they could never meditate.

“Tom was born to teach meditation. He’s inspirational. I’ve learned so much this week. It may change my life!

-Ashley H.

With over 40 years experience, Tom’s teachings are clear and easy to follow. He reaches all people, even those who believe they could never meditate. Everyone will be successfully meditating and will be able to continue on their own. Tom combines profound meaning with light humor. Learn how to calm your busy mind, gain clarity in your life, and experience inner peace.




October 23, 2024 @ 7 PM est
Oasis Cafe ; Carrboro, North Carolina

December 18-21, 2025
The Yoga Retreat; Paradise Island, Bahamas


Read Tom’s essay, ‘Miracles and a Mantra

Watch Tom’s talk at the Yoga Retreat

Click to see Tom in The Yoga Journal 

For Presentations or Private Sessions:
Contact Tom:
Mobile (919) 605-2969


Presentations for Your Group
Private Sessions
(video sessions are available)

Tom Spector began meditating while in graduate school at Yale University in 1968. He realized he had low self-esteem, lots of anger, and was flunking out of an intense, specialized program. Meditation helped him immensely. He began to work out his deep-seated personal growth issues and rapidly became a star student, completing the full Ph.D. program in record time. Tom then studied full immersion  with Ram Dass. In 1976, after a magical meeting with Elizabeth Kubler-Ross at an intensive meditation retreat with Ram Dass, Tom started sharing the techniques that helped him so much. He continued meditating and teaching, even when he was the International VP For Cancer Research at GlaxoWellcome (now GSK). Tom is internationally regarded as a refreshingly effective meditation teacher. He reaches all attendees, even those who thought they could never meditate. He teaches at many different venues, including meditation retreats, universities, hospitals, corporate firms, and other organizations. Tom also sees individual clients. He has a special gift for helping people discover the root of their suffering and their path to heal.

Tom presents two forms of meditation:

1. ‘Quieting The Mind’ meditation helps create an environment to allow our busy mind to become quieter. As this happens, we begin to “see” more clearly. We become more centered and can more easily and calmly approach potentially stressful situations with fresh insight. We develop a sense of which steps are appropriate for our personal growth.

2. ‘The Heart Center’ meditation provides a more direct experience of our precious core. As we gain a sense of our Inner Self, our problems appear rather superficial. We can comfortably begin to release their grip. This positive cycle of experience and release creates an exciting new outlook on life and enables us to pursue our purposeful place within it.

These meditations are presented with Healing Talk 1 on Tom’s CD:
Meditation & Healing

Tom’s Healing Talks:

Talk 1: Our Two Gardens: How To Cultivate Healing
Find healing relief from fear, stress, worry, chronic pain, anxiety, panic, feelings of unworthiness, and guilt. Learn techniques that really work!

Talk 2: Inner Peace: A Practical Approach
Learn how to create inner peace by living your life to the fullest in the present moment and becoming free of all your internal enemies.

Talk 3: Visiting Seriously Ill People
Learn effective ways of visiting seriously ill people that synergistically benefit you and the patient.

These talks are featured in Tom’s book:
Our Two Gardens: How to Cultivate Healing.

Individual Private Sessions:

Learn a personal meditation and healing techniques customized to your specific needs.

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